
Saturday, January 12, 2013

a quick, not very informative update.

Here's the latest...
I'm still not happy with the outcome of the surgery on 12/14.  My port is still uncomfortable, and I've only used it once since the surgery because it's still not healing very well.  It still hurts to turn my head sometimes, and it's been a MONTH now.  And the worst part is that the kids grab at the stupid thing, and it hurts when I vomit.  I was doing my best to "just live with it", because I really didn't want to have surgery again... but I'm not sure that is going to be the best choice.

So, my latest idea, which I am in the process of running through my various docs is having it removed and not replaced at all.  My veins are in good health currently, and can be accessed for the fluids that I need, say my IV nurses.  My port was put in quickly a year ago, because we were all worried that I'd need to use it for TPN (feeding) during pregnancy.  Since I never plan to be pregnant again, and don't tolerate TPN all that well anyway, it might be okay to just have the port removed and put back in "sometime" in the future--assuming it's okay with all the necessary docs.  So, in  my free time, I'm checking with all of them.  It is my understanding that the surgery to remove the port is much easier and far less labor intensive (thus less recovery) than to have a new one put in.

I had a couple of weeks when I didn't vomit nearly as much for whatever reason.  It was a welcome break.  I seem to be back to my "normal" amount again, however. 

The kids are doing great... I can't believe how fast they are growing and changing.  Colby has 3 teeth now. Kinley still doesn't have any, but at the rate she is chewing on EVERYTHING, we expect that one will pop through any day.  Kinley has started to scoot and is almost crawling.  She is very close to sitting on her own.  She stays balanced for quite a while, especially if she's engaged in playing with a toy directly in front of her.  Colby has become the master of rolling and can fly across the room with lightning quickness.  He can sit on his own too, but struggles a little bit more to stay balanced--mostly because of his chub, I think. :)

They had their 6 month check up appointments with the doctor--and both are in perfect health.  Colby is 17 lbs 14 oz and 27 1/2" long.  He is in the the 45th percentile for "term" babies for height and weight--they are no longer on the preemie chart!!  Kinley is 13 lbs 14 oz and 26 1/2" long.  She's in the 7th percentile for "term" babies for weight and is in the 30th percentile for height.  Both kids are meeting all of the 6 month milestones already and they're 6 weeks ahead of schedule!! :) (except for sitting--but they're SO close)

Colby loves his toes.

She scooted herself under the dining room chair.

6 month photo shoot

  "I'll show you my ninja moves, Mom." says Kinley.

The team has spoken from the other room. :)  I guess I better go. Thanks for your continued prayers and love.

1 comment:

Mary S Anderson said...

How special to see the wonderful pics of your twins and to read your blog! Once you get rid of the port I hope you will feel better. Do you have help with the kids? I'm sure your mom is there often! If you have time to write, use email as I don't like these public forums!!
