1. Anemia- They let me know that I've got, like, 0 red blood cells when they checked by CBC. They put me on a massive dose of iron pills, and that seems to be helping a bit.
2. Hypothyroid- My thyroid is also super low. They are supplementing that with pills too.
3. Placenta previa- part of the placenta is covering the cervix. In many women, this resolves itself as the uterus expands. They'll keep an eye on it to make sure that things are going fine.
4. Baby A & Baby B continue to be healthy and cute. They're both looking good, and are roughly the same size. (all good.) Baby A's umbillical cord is slightly off-center, but not so far that the doctors are worried about it. Again, it's something that they'll keep an eye on to make sure that he/she is growing properly.
5. Nausea & Vomiting- I'm still super nauseated, much more than normal, even. That being said, I'm keeping a lot more food down than normal. I think that I'm beginning to experience indigestion. Prior to this, I only experienced vomiting, so I'm glad that I get to try out a new yucky GI symptom. :)
Overall, things are terrific. We went on a "last hurrah" trip to San Diego this past weekend to get some sun and see our friends. It was really fun, although I felt slightly like a beached whale in my swimsuit. Marcus and I are convinced that I literally get bigger each day.
This whole pregnancy has been such a miracle!! We're so thankful that God's hand is so clearly in and through each day. We couldn't be happier!!
Sending you all lots of love,
Yay! Praise the Lord! Thanks for the update. Will keep praying for you!
Love you guys!
Love your bump! Check out my latest blog!!
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