
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the new nerve meds

I started on some new meds on saturday evening, a fabulous treat of topamax and nortriptyline. Topamax is used to treat migraine headaches, seizures, & chronic pain. Nortriptyline is used to treat depression & chronic pain. My docs are using them to treat chronic pain, and they're hoping that it will help my nausea, help me sleep, and calm my nerve pain. As I filled them, the pharmacist warned that I would wake up feeling like I was "in a fog".... Little did I know, this "fog" would last almost all day. :) I just start to wake up about 4 in the afternoon, just in time for my afternoon pain session to set in, and then I spiral downward into my evening slump. Shoot. Hopefully, I will get used to these new drugs soon. :)

I have set a little goal for myself. It is to start keeping down clear liquids by myself. I REALLY want to get rid of my picc line before Marcus' birthday (at the end of April). In order for me to get my picc line out, I have to be able to keep down liquids on my own. So, that's my plan. I'm not sure how to go about it quite yet, but I'm going to do it. I'll keep you updated on my progress. :)

I guess that's all the updates for now. Much love to you all, and thanks for the prayers! Happy birthday to Carol & Sophie today!
Love, brelin


Anonymous said...

wow...I didn't realize you were back home! way to go. I'm sorry the diagnosis wasn't what you had hoped for...

...the goal on liquids is a good one. we tell parents to give kiddos a teaspoon of fluid every 15 mins when they have GI stuff. I know that super sugary stuff makes your GI transit time speed up, and that fat and protein slow it down. milk, as you know, is hard on the mucosa and is best avoided.

hang in there. i agree that you should adjust to the meds after awhile. the nor. is usually sedating at first, and unfortunately takes awhile to work its magic. but if there is one thing you are amazing at, above all, it is keeping the faith and pushing forward. love to you. Kristin

Andy (and Heather) said...

Hang in there friend! We're still prayin for ya out here in the great state of Iowa!

the Reids said...

Hello, Brelin. Regarding Topamax, it's one of the drugs I take to stave off migraines due to the blood clot in my brain. Anyway, I was "in a fog" for a few weeks when I started it, but things got much better once my body was used to it. They have me take it at bedtime now. Could that be an option for you???

Praying for you every day! May you feel God's blessings all the time.
