
Thursday, February 21, 2008

mayo clinic, day one...

We arrived at Mayo today and had my first appointment. I'm seeing Dr. Locke, who seems very nice, and who seemed confident that he could help me get better soon. We have a schedule for Friday through Tuesday... I am going to remain "outpatient"... meaning I get to stay in the hotel with Marcus. (YAY!)

The docs talked with us for about an hour about what's happened in the past, and what is going on currently. For those of you new to the story, I have had fairly significant digestive issues since 1997. The most recent flare up (since Sept.) has just been much uglier than the other ones I've had in the past.

Tomorrow I have a blood test in the morning, and then nothing for the rest of the day.

Marcus and I are headed to Minneapolis/St. Paul for the weekend to hang out with our buddies, Andy & Heather.... so you can all check on Monday for the next blog update. :)

Monday I have multiple tests, and then on Tuesday, I have a bunch more appointments. I see the doctors again on Tuesday and find out all the results of my exams. At that point, they'll decide what's going on, and what other tests need to be done.

I think that's all there is to report. Please pray specifically for the tests to have clear results, and for the doctors to have a good understanding of what the results mean. You can also pray that I can sleep well... I've been having trouble with that for a couple of weeks now.

Much love & hugs,


Andy (and Heather) said...

Glad to hear you guys made it there safe and the doc is confident! We'll see you tomorrow!

weswig said...

sounds promising!

You've been in my prayers all day!

I hope you have fun with Andy and Heather this weekend.

With love,

Vic Okerlund said...

I hope this weekend is full of laughs! We are all thinking of you and praying for those clear test results.

Love the Okerlunds

Pastor R. James Rismiller said...

We love you and pray for you both every day.

Happy Birthday, Brelin!!!!

Tristan and Olivia