
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sleep training. Who is training who?

My kids are in the next room putting themselves to sleep.  And when I say that, I mean they are giggling hysterically at each other.  One will make a funny noise, and then the other will make a silly pronouncement of another kind.  Both giggle.  And repeat.  I'm sitting here, wondering what the little wooden thumps I keep hearing are, but I assume there are no heads hitting their cribs--or else there would be crying, right?  I just peeked, and little legs seem to be making the thumping sounds so far. :) 
These kids are adorable.  Well, mostly.  Not quite so adorable when Colby is crying (again) at 2 am and wakes up his sister for no apparent reason.  Which leads me to question aloud the actual effectiveness of "sleep training."  I don't mean to offend anyone, but I have a case study going on in my own home. One child sleeps and one child doesn't.  We do the EXACT same thing with both children at the EXACT same time ALL DAY LONG.  I think people just get lucky when their kids sleep through the night, but that's just my humble opinion.
This is from their 8 month photo shoot.  It pretty much captures their sparkling personalities. (sorry I'm a month behind in their photo updates!!)
Happy Holy Week!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Living the dream. Living in a dream. Living with a dreamboat?

I digress.

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  To say that life with twins is hectic might be the understatement of the century.  Since I wrote last, I believe that everyone in the family has been touched by some sort of illness.  Some of us have been blessed (?) to get more than one kind of illness.  Kinley had sinus infections, Colby got the puke flu, Marcus got a cold, I got some GI thing, then a nasty cold (that I'm currently still unable to speak from, but I think I'm on the mend.)

In the midst of that, I had a VERY successful port removal.  Thank you all so much for your prayers.  It went flawlessly.  I was petrified that something was going to go awry, but it all went really, really well.  And the even BETTER news is that I've been keeping fluids down pretty well on my own, and haven't had to get IVs.  What?  I know.  It's wild.  But, I'm managing at home and so thrilled about it. Thank you, Jesus.

I have a funny little story to share, just you can laugh along with us and the lack of sleeping that was going on at our house.  Don't worry, things are much improved now that the kids are feeling better. :)
It was 3:36 am.  I was awake for the fifth night in a row, this time putting a "to go" cup of coffee into the microwave so that the babies and I could drive Auntie Sarah to the airport after a fun visit.* 
*Note: Colby didn't really get to enjoy the visit so much, he had the flu the whole time (which is why I'd been up the previous 4 nights) 
Sparks start to fly in the microwave.  Apparently, my "to go" cup had metal on it.  Who knew?  Quickly, I run to the microwave and shut the power off.  Automatically the microwave fan comes on.  I guess they built this machine to handle other idiots sleep-deprived mommies.  There is no fire in the kitchen, the microwave fan is going but everything seems intact.  The babies continue to crawl in the living room, unharmed and unfazed my panic-inducing near disaster in the kitchen.
When Marcus arrives home from work, I start out with, "Isn't it wonderful that we're all safe?  Isn't it nice that we have a home to live in?"  He asks if the car was in an accident.  I say no, but that I'm not sure all of our kitchen appliances are still all functional. :)
Later that day, I was cleaning out the fridge, and dumped some leftover stew into the garbage disposal.  Just so you know, this is NOT a good idea.  Roast beef + garbage disposal = nightmare.  Oops again.  Rumble, rumble. Bubble, bubble.  And then splooge.  Both sides of the sink fill up with brownish, orangish, stringy meaty-potato looking goo.  If you're doing the math on this, I've managed to break TWO kitchen appliances in one day, and it's not even 9 am yet.  Oops again.  This clean up was a little more involved and required taking all the pipes under the sink apart.  Thank you, Marcus.

My current favorite picture

K stealing C's toys. Again.

cutest girl ever.

chubby boy legs.

walking with K.

Cutest boys ever.

Chubby girl legs
The kids are going crazy with their development.  Both are crawling. Fast.  And both are pulling themselves up on everything all the time. 

I've got to go.  Nap time is officially over.  Hugs and love.