
Thursday, December 20, 2012

holidays... and a medical update, if i can type fast enough.

I'm going to do my best to get a 2012 Year In Review, so that we can capture the highlights from each month for you.  I'll try to hit the high (and low) points for you of what's been going on in our family since Halloween.

First off, K and C dressed up as the cutest cows ever for Halloween.  They were properly paraded around their proud grandparent's neighborhood, as we wildly snapped photos.  I dressed as a milkmaid, and Marcus wore a flannel as well.  We were very festive.

The kids have been rolling like crazy.  They rolled first from their tummies to their backs.  Then for quite a while they rolled from the backs to their tummies ONLY.  They couldn't remember how to get back.  So, they'd cry until someone helped them.  Kinley has figured it out recently that if she just keeps rolling everything works out.  Colby hasn't quite mastered the concept yet.  He has found his FEET this week.  He's super excited about this new discovery and is working hard on his yoga baby moves.

This is us picking out our first Christmas tree as a family. 
(Colby is in the brown suit with me, Kinley is on the right, with Marcus.)
K, C, and I spent Thanksgiving Day with the Rismiller's, then the Johnson's, and then we drove to the Fire Station and took Marcus some pie and said, "Happy Thanksgiving!" to all the firefighters.  I got really lost on the way between the Johnson's and the firefighters, and it was a little bit traumatic, but we all survived the experience (barely). :)
The next day, my sister, Sarah flew in from DC with her boyfriend from Europe (I know, it sounds so fancy)-- and all 6 of us drove over to the Tri-Cities for Weakley family shenanigans.  We met my brother, and his wife, Alyssa, there.  We thought we were headed for a quiet family Thanksgiving, but really, we should've known better.  Marcus had to go back to work the following day.  The babies and I stayed just long enough to contract a horrible cold, which basically wiped us out.
Meanwhile, my health had been deteriorating over the past month or so.  My gastroparesis has continued to flare, and it just seems to be a rough patch right now.  To add insult to injury, the cold sucked my energy, and then my port ended up getting a clot in it.  On Friday, (5 days ago), I had the clot-type thing removed in what was supposed to be a simple procedure.  They couldn't do the simple procedure, so woke me up in the middle and asked if they wanted them to replace the device right then or if I wanted to be rescheduled for another time. However, the doctor that performed the surgery didn't factor in that I vomit all the time, so it seems that I may need to have the surgery re-done again anyway because the placement isn't correct.  Ugh.  I go in on Monday to see the doctor who did the "repair" surgery to see if it'll get any better, but currently when I throw up it feels like knives are shooting out of my vein in my neck, and it hurts to turn my head.  So, hopefully we can get this figured out soon.  Marcus and I are both pretty upset (read: mad) that I will most likely have to re-do this surgery again and have it placed correctly in order to avoid the pain and pressure from the vomiting.  I don't think that it's likely to go away or heal on it's own, but I go in on 12/24 to discuss with the doc.  If I do have to have surgery again, we'll go back to the first doc that placed the original port, as he did an excellent job taking into account my vomiting and bony shoulders. :)

twins with twins
Andy, Colby, Sarah, Kinley

C with Great Grandma Weakley

C and K


K at baptism

C at baptism

Me with K, Marcus with C

Matthew (Sarah's boyfriend), Sarah, & K


In more cheery news, the babies are eating solid foods, and they are adorable.  Here are a couple of cute pics.  They also got baptized on 12/9.  It was a wonderful celebration.  I'd love to type more, but Colby is chewing on my arm as I'm typing and K is starting to cry in the other room.  

Love from our fam to yours... :)