
Friday, August 3, 2012

6 weeks on Sunday

Yesterday was the kid's due date.  It's hard to believe how much growing and changing they've done outside of the womb in that short amount of time.  I'm so proud of how hard they keep trying, and how much they're growing!!
We had another weight check at the doctor's office on Tuesday.  Colby is weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz, and Kinley is holding her own at 6 lbs. 6 oz.  He is a full 3 lbs. bigger than his birth weight, and she is 2 lbs. 4 oz. bigger!! They're doing so well, that the doctor lowered them both to a 22 calorie formula, rather than the 24 calorie formula that we've been supplementing their breast milk with since birth.  Nice job team!! They are a tiny bit anemic, but their blood work showed that it's because they're both making so many red blood cells (which is awesome.)  So, we'll continue to keep them on the iron supplements for some time.

Marcus and I are doing well.  Marcus headed off to work this morning, and so I will be flying solo until my mom gets here around 4 pm to stay the night with us.  He works a 24 hr shift, so it should be interesting to find out if I survive.  :)  I'll keep you posted.

I think we might just have the cutest kids in the world, but I'm pretty sure I'm biased.  However, yesterday a lady asked me this series of questions while I was pushing their stroller:
Her: "Are those dolls?"
Me: "No.  They're babies."
Her: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Her: "Are they yours?"
Me: "Yes."
Her: "OH MY GOSH!!... blah, blah, blah."

Like, seriously?!?  No, I'm not a 33 year old woman pushing around a double stroller with dolls in it while I shop for coffee, mailing labels, and shampoo at Bartell's at 9 am.  And yes, they were born at the same time to the same parents, thus twins.  And no, I didn't steal the babies from someone else right before I entered the store.

In other news, we took our first road trip last week.  We rolled into the Tri-Cities to surprise my mom for her birthday.  She was elated.  The kids travelled well, but the trip took 5 hrs instead of 3.  It was completely worth doing.  We didn't venture out much, so please don't be offended if you didn't get to see them.  We're planning to return for Sausage Fest weekend.  (My sister, Sarah, will be home too.)  Mark your calendars, we'd love to see you.  It's Sept 21-23.

My health is on the upswing at the moment.  Things were pretty bad last week, but this week I'm doing really great--only puking once or twice a day.  Because I'm doing so well, I've decided to keep breastfeeding (well, pumping) for another little while.  I've also been able to cut back my IV fluids to once a week this week. :)  Hooray!  I think I'll be calling the GI doctor to see if he can turn my gastric pacemaker back on to see if that helps further.  I thought I'd give it a go one more time before I have it removed sometime this fall.

Okay, I think that's all I have to report.
Thanks for the love and prayers.  And if anyone wants to come hold babies while Marcus is working, please don't hesitate to call. :)

Love Brelin
PS Bill- I can't find any of your contact information.  Could you shoot me an email?

tiny feet



All Dressed Up

So Precious