
Thursday, March 31, 2011

please be praying.

The decision is being made regarding my appeal sometime in the next 72 hours. Please pray that they will say "yes." And that we won't have to move onto standing in front of the City of Renton board, because it won't even come to that. The MD from the Insurance Company will simply realize that my quality of life is poor enough that it's worth it to try the surgery. And that I can get surgery when I get back from the South Pacific. And that we will have an amazing time without incident while we are there, and that we won't have any medical complications whatsoever. And when we arrive back in Seattle, the surgery will be flawlessly executed, and I will be feeling a million times better. And I won't need medications any longer, and I won't be in pain any more. And I won't struggle like I do now. And we'll be able to have beautiful, healthy babies. Amen.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

another day, another dollar?

Well, the main reason for no posting, I guess, is that there has not been anything really interesting happening. The past month has been full of good snow, so we've been doing lots of snowboarding and skiing at Crystal. We took a quick trip to the Tri-Cities, but were so busy the whole time we were there that we only saw family members. And then we got back, and I was so exhausted from the trip that I literally slept on the couch to recover for three days straight.

I have been having a hard time with depression lately. My mood is a difficult thing to conquer when I feel "stuck"--which is mostly what I've been feeling a lot of lately. We've had to completely back off of having kids, as we have learned that it's going to be IVF (in vitro fertilization), miraculous birth, or no baby for us. And, as far as the surgery for the gastric pacemaker goes, I'm sick, but just not quite sick enough. Let me explain...
The insurance company basically has 5 categories that you have to "fit" in, in order to qualify for the surgery. I am now sick enough in 4 of the 5 categories, but my heart is still doing quite well. Normally, I would think we could just celebrate that my heart is healthy and move on. However, the insurance company seems to think that my heart should begin to have problems before I warrant the surgery. Are you annoyed? Because we are.

Anyway, the latest and greatest news about the board meeting on the 24th of March was actually a false alarm, because we can't submit our case to them before we have exhausted all of our appeals with the insurance company. And we still have one more appeal for them to deny before we can approach the city board. So, again, we wait. And, wait. Ugh.

I did go in to see the GI doctor on Monday morning (two days ago), and had a nice chat with him. My bloodwork is off again. This time my liver enzymes are elevated and my potassium is low. Also, my kidneys have been hurting. I had a follow-up ultrasound yesterday to see what was going on with my liver and kidneys, and my exam was the elevated liver enzymes remain a mystery.

I did receive 2 liters of IV fluids with potassium and didn't have to pee at the end, so apparently I was a little dehydrated. I didn't even notice it...I guess that could have been causing the kidney pain for sure. *sigh* I'm feeling a bit better today after my fluids. Oh, and it's sunny and warm in Seattle today. YAY for vitamin d!! The best part of the trip to Seattle and the hospital yesterday was that I got to see my step-sister, Alyson. It'd been forever since we'd seen each other--so it was really nice to catch up. She's almost done with her dissertation and then she'll be DR. ALYSON. Crazy.

In other news, Marcus and I are going to the South Pacific! I can hardly wait!! We are going to visit Marcus' sister, Kim and her husband, Jon, and our niece & nephew in the Marshall Islands. We are SOOOOOOOOO excited. It's 85 degrees everyday and the water temp is about 75. There is surfing and snorkeling to do, and to get there you have to fly in and out of Oahu--so we thought we'd see the sights there, since we'd be there anyway. Marcus is beginning a scuba class next week just to prepare for the visit. We're so excited to see them, and to find the sun for so many days. We'll be on the island for almost 3 weeks, and then on Oahu for another 4-5 days... So. Excited. Woot woot!!

I think that's all we've got to report. We're thinking about getting a puppy when we get home. We're sort of becoming that stereotypical thirty-something couple who really want a child but might just get a dog instead to tide us over until the time is right.

Please pray that the insurance company does not deny this final appeal. Or that if they do, the city board will approve it. And if all else fails, we can find a nice attorney who will cover the case and be nice to us and figure out how to help us that way. Oh, and that after all that, the surgery will actually work. And that I'll be healed completely. Forever. Amen.

Thank you for your virtual (and real) hugs, for your cards, phone calls, facebook messages, emails, and all the ways that you remind me that you care. It really does help me remember that life is worth living, and that I'm not alone in this journey. I'm so blessed to call you my friends. (PS I'm crying in Starbucks as I write this. So embarrassing.) Anyway, I love you. And, thanks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

no surgery (again)

We just found out yesterday (for sure) that the insurance company has denied the appeal that we filed. They are going to do a medical peer review (where my doctor talks to the insurance company), but no one is really sure that it'll do any good.

The only silver lining in the cloud is that the City of Renton is actually the one who controls the pot of money that is managed by HMA (the insurance company). So there is some way for Marcus to work directly with the people from HR, and then theoretically they can override the decision made by the insurance company. We are also planning to contact a lawyer, and see if there is something they can do. We are definitely treading on new ground here, and I'm feeling a little backed into the corner.

I know that God has a plan, and that His plans are perfect. I totally get that He is fighting in the trenches with me, but I'm just tired of fighting. Why can't everyone just do the 'right thing' in this situation? Ugh.

Anyway, please pray for my bad attitude, and pray that my frustration subsides. I have been going back and forth between bursting into tears, and laughing about the dumb people that make decisions in our world. :)

On a cheerier note, Marcus and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary tomorrow. Time sure flies when you're having fun! It's also been more than 1/2 our marriage that we've been battling this stupid pukemonster. The good news is that we are more in love than ever.

Thanks for your prayers, love, and words of encouragement in cards and messages. We're thinking and praying for all of you too!

Love, b