
Sunday, March 22, 2009

a new look

Oh, I just wanted to give credit for the new look on my blog. Here is the link to cute and free blog backgrounds!!

the report

I had a good appointment with the doc on Wednesday; seeing him is sort of like seeing an old friend. When I walked into the office, he said, "My day is complete." Apparantly he has several women with ridiculously odd intestinal problems (me being in that category.) He had seen the other 3 in the hospital earlier in the day, so seeing me at the office just topped it off. :)

The doc suggested that I try a couple of different medications. One is a narcotic, and I'm simply not interested in going there yet. I'm hoping that I can get a little better without going down that road. He has a new theory of sorts... something relating to my mast cells, thinking that my intestines are basically allergic to food. Not tomatoes, or dairy, but ALL food. So everytime there is a stimulant, (food), it causes pain and often vomiting. To me, this completely makes sense because when I don't eat, I often feel pretty good. I know that never eating again is not a good solution, so he thought that perhaps I can lessen the problem with an antihistamine. I'll have to keep you posted.

Beyond my guts, I'm doing fine. My shoulder is almost totally better, and the pinched nerve in my foot is doing well too.

I'm enjoying substitute teaching, and am doing most of my jobs in the middle school. :) I love it!! I think my "acceptable noise level" is a little higher than most teachers, but I think that's okay. I figure if the students are working, and not hurting themselves or others, then it's all good. :)

Hugs to you all,

Monday, March 16, 2009

cry me a river........

For some unknown reason, the JT song is rolling through my head. I believe it is in large part due to the pain that I am currently experiencing in my shoulder and foot. Let me explain...

These past few weeks, there have been BUCKETS of snow dumping each day on the mountain. While my stomach/intestines have been less than stellar lately, I have still mustered up enough energy to embrace the snow in all of it's glory. Marcus and I headed up to Crystal Mountain for some glorious snowboarding conditions a little over a week ago. About 2 pm, I came crashing down the run, managing to bend my arm back a funny way and then land on it. I might have shed a few tears on the hillside while Marcus examined my arm for obvious breaks before I stuck it in my pocket, and headed down to the base. I prayed that God would not let me get carded while I purchased an adult beverage to dull the pain in my arm. Prayer answered. I imbibed, then went home, and then finally on Monday morning (last week), I went into the doc for some xrays. I separated my shoulder, but not "too" bad. He said I can head back up to the hill anytime, as long as I don't fall on my arm. I'll let you know how that goes, we're heading up tomorrow.

Oh, so while I was getting the ol' arm checked out, I mentioned that I had this weird pain in my foot. It turns out that I have a "fluke" thing that "unlucky" people get... a pinched nerve in my foot. The foot specialist gave me a cortizone shot, and I am doing a bit better now. I go in next month for one more shot.

I've been painting a rather "rose-colored" picture of my own health lately, which hasn't been entirely accurate. My vomiting has gotten increasingly worse these past few months. I'm not horrible, and am nowhere near as sick as I was--but I'm not doing nearly as well as I once was. I have an appointment to see the GI doctor on Wednesday, and am praying that he'll be able to provide some sort of treatment that will help get me back on track without drugging me up too much.

Okay, I think that's all to report today. Please pray that the appointment goes well on Wednesday, and that I get return to full health sometime soon.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the study of Job.

I would like to start out by saying that I LOVE LENT. I know that's a little weird, but I REALLY enjoy doing the Holden Evening Prayer worship service. This year, there is a study of the book of Job going on each Wednesday after worship. I thought I'd check it out tonight, and am so glad that I did. We studied the first 3 chapters, and there are so many things that stuck out.

1. God's power is limitless, while Satan's power is completely limited. In order for Satan to make Job's life miserable, he had to ask permission from God.

2. Job was blameless, and his faith is totally overwhelming. Tons of crap happened to him in the first chapter, and his response was to fall down on his face and worship God. (chap 1:20) I'm totally in awe of Job's response, and pray that mine can be that good. God presents us with choices in the midst of suffering: do we fall down in worship? or do we run away from God?

3. Job's friends said nothing, because "sometimes suffering is too great for words." chap 2:13. Sometimes we don't have to say anything to help others--because just being present with them is enough. Thank you to all of you who have been present with me over the years that I've struggled with my health.

When we're confronted with suffering, we're asked to choose. Do we choose to follow a loving God in the midst of it all, or do we run away from Him in our times of strife?

Monday, March 2, 2009

keep on truckin'

Hi All,
I just started substitute teaching today. It was my first day, and I taught 6th-8th grade health. Ironically, we were talking about medications, and their effects on the body. I had a good laugh to myself. It was certainly an adventure, I was really nervous before I got there, but then it all started going smoothly by the end of the day. Tomorrow, I'll be in a 5th grade class all day at one of the elementary schools. I can't wait.

I had a terrific 30th birthday. We had a rollerskating birthday party which 40 or so people attendend. It was fabulous. On my actual birthday, Marcus took me out for dinner and then we went to the Broadway production of the Lion King. It was magnificent, and really beautiful. Everyone should go see it.

I'm still plugging along with Bible study on Wed morning, and mentoring another student on Wed. afternoons. All are going well, and I'm thrilled with how terrific my 9th grader seems to be doing this semester. If you happen to be reading, you're awesome! :)

Health-wise, I am doing okay. I would say that I vomit most days, but not everything, and not everyday. On the days that I do get sick, it is typically more than once a day... but again, it is not everyday, and certainly not 20 million times a day--so I continue to feel good about my progress. My baseline level is still much lower than before 2007, but I'm adjusting.

Tonight I'm looking forward to a ballet recital for Maya, and then tomorrow is a basketball game for Garrett. Both should be a lot of fun~ :)

Hugs and love to all,